Ace H2 Physics for Your ‘A’ Levels With These 5 Tips

On April 26th, 2018, Singapore’s Examination and Assessment Board published the A-level examinations timetable for this year. If you’ve been taking H2 physics tuition in Singapore, you may want to check out the dates from the SEAB website.

What’s your aspiration for the exam? Would you like to score four or more A’s along with a couple of “special” paper distinctions? Are you targeting to get a full scholarship at a prestigious university? You must think it requires exceptional intelligence to hit such scores. But you don’t have to be Dexter smart to make it. Below are some tips on acing your H2 physics for your A-levels.

Read Carefully

Start with the obvious. Plan to read the questions and instructions carefully. Take care not to jump to conclusions. Read and re-read each question before you start working it out. Make sure you get the units of measurement correct and where you need to convert some units, be sure to do so.

Examiners often put filler information in the questions, and that information may lead you astray. Also, check your working and answers properly. A careless miss of a decimal point may cost you dearly.

An excellent way to familiarise with how examiners twist the questions is by going through previous exam questions and answering them with your H2 physics tutor.

Have Good Quality Notes

Ensure that your study material is comprehensive and makes sense to you before you embark on your revision. You may want to re-organise the way you prefer to learn. For instance, if you are a visual person, flash cards can come in handy. If you prefer to listen, you can record yourself reading the notes then keep playing it back later.

When you are comfortable with your notes and method of learning, you will retain information much better.

Remember the Equations

Speaking about memory, any H2 physics tutor will advise you to take special note of the equations. A significant section of your A-level paper, whether practical or written, will depend on your knowledge of the right equations and apply them at the right time.

You can be sure about this, when you are clear about the relevant equations on each question, you stand a better chance of picking up points on every question and acing your H2 physics.

Make Flash Card notes of Critical Equations and Key Concepts.

Making flashcards is a smart and convenient way to reinforce what you’ve been studying. You can quickly put them in your pocket and read them on the bus or train, or even when you are waiting for a cup of coffee in a restaurant.

What you need to do is to understand the fundamental concepts and firmly know the critical equations. Even the not so regularly used equations. Just liaise with your H2 physics tutor to know which ones will go on the flash card.

Finally, Keep Practicing

Practice makes perfect. You can practice for your H2 A-level physics in many ways including the ones above. You can also try teaching others that way you are compelled to exercise frequently. If you keep drilling, even the more difficult concepts will sink in bit by bit. Eventually, you will hit the perfect ‘A.’

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