Creating Video Content Consumers Will Appreciate

We can all agree that videos are awesome to watch, and do more than just help brands stand out in an attention-deficient digital world.

Here is a noteworthy statistic:

  • Video content can double the time people spend on your site and influence conversion rates as much as 80% when used on your landing pages.

Seeing that videos are no longer tied to huge marketing budgets and a 34-page long manuscript, how can brands create content that maximizes this highly engaging and immersive tool to win valuable customers?

Without further ado, let us dive right in to the top key trends to ace your next video marketing campaign.

Optimize For Vertical Videos

About 78 percent of people consume content on their phones more than other digital platform such as a laptop or tablet. Seeing that social networks are slowly shifting towards a friendlier mobile experience (cue IGTV, Instagram and Facebook Stories), we expect there to be more tools in the future for users to engage with their friends and the rest of the world in yes, that’s right – vertical video. Aren’t familiar with the different video formats? Engage a Digital Marketing Agency in Singapore to pitch in.

Go Live

Current trends seem to point towards the importance of “going live” more frequently – 80 percent of internet users seem to prefer live video over pre-recorded videos. Live videos are one of the easiest videos to film since they don’t often require an extensive budget and detailed plan, meaning to say that smaller businesses can easily pull this one off.

Examples of live content that you can easily produce is showing behind-the-scenes footage of the office, how-to tutorials and demos, Q&As and interview sessions with people of interest. With live videos, avid fans of your brand can also comment and chime in on the conversation.

Tell A Story

92 percent of consumers have said that they want their favourite brands to use ads to tell them stories.

Stories are effective because they tap into the core emotions of an audience, create empathy and humanize your brand. This is why crafting a good story for your PPC campaigns are absolutely critical – engaging the right PPC agency to help execute it smoothly from start to finish is key to successful video marketing campaigns.

Short Or Long-Form Content?

Perhaps both.

Just a few years ago, short-form content was the way to go on social media. However, the rise of “vlogging” and other long-form content seems to be gaining popularity amongst consumers today. A good rule of thumb is that people like to watch a video ranging from 3 to 6 minutes, after which engagement and views start to taper off. The key is to always get your main message across in the first thirty seconds, and focus on telling a good story. If you haven’t got them hooked – chances are they won’t bother watching the entire video anyway.

This doesn’t mean that you sleep on short-form videos – which essentially capitalize well on the FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) phenomenon. Creating urgency around your content converts consumers to customers, and keeps them coming back and looking for updates.

Did Someone Say Explainer Videos?

Explainer videos are one of the best content pillars that you can create for your brand today. Essentially, explainer videos are short and effective snippets that teach consumers how to do a particular thing in a better way than they did before. Whether it is explaining to customers how to use a product or discussing topics of interest to fans in a light-hearted and engaging way – explainer videos are easy to share and can improve overall branding. Be aware of your target audience – their preferences, concerns and interests can guide you in producing content that is relevant to them.

Always Transcribe Your Videos

How do you then optimize video marketing for SEO?

Transcribe, transcribe, transcribe.

Make sure you include the most relevant keywords to your brand to help Google understand and rank your video better.

Since majority of videos are viewed in public, it makes sense that videos should be optimized for no sound. This makes transcribing your video even more important – ensure that your content is understandable even without turning the volume up.

Diversify Your Distribution Channels

As the saying goes, don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

Ideally, you should be repurposing your videos to come up with several bite-sized pieces of content and distributing it to various platforms to extend your reach and engagement. A good suggestion is to create a shorter version of your video and turn it into a stellar PPC ad, cross-promoting it with a strong alliance of influencers – another growing trend in the marketing industry.

Lastly.. Have A Full Funnel Mindset

Research says that 79 percent of marketers use videos for brand awareness, but only 24 percent use it to convert customers. This is alarming, given that videos are built to tug at the heartstrings of customers that are close to conversion.

Try going beyond brand awareness, instead creating videos for every stage of the purchase funnel and moving potential buyers down each stage as smoothly as possible. Make sure that you achieve your goals with a clear call-to-action (CTA) added so that fans know exactly how to take action.

Don’t forget to measure and evaluate each video based on key metrics such as Watch Time, View Count, Impressions and ROI – making adjustments accordingly to what works and what doesn’t.

With video coming up top as the type of content that consumers would like to see from brands (over emails, social images and blog articles), it looks like the year ahead is going to be busy.

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