Keep Your Health In Check Whilst At Home During COVID19

As we practise safe distancing by staying at home due to COVID-19, we’re bound to get in a slump. If you’re working from home, then you’d find yourself sitting with your eyes glued to the digital screen for at least 8 hours. As we focus on getting work done, we fall into a monotonous routine of mindless eating, working, sleeping – and repeat.

Staying at home for a long time can be rather challenging for remaining physically active. A sedentary behaviour paired with unhealthy eating can be harmful to your health and wellbeing, such as leading to weight gain. While self-isolating, let’s not neglect our physical and mental health as well. As we stay put, here’s how to keep healthy and active!

Sit less

Take small breaks of sitting in your desk, at least every 20 to 30 minutes. Take a walk around your house or play with your pet. Or, you could perform two tasks at once by sweeping or mopping the house! Not only will that get you up on your feet and moving, but you’ll also spend your breaks productively. Afterwards, you can continue working in a conducive environment.

Stick to an exercise regime

At home, there are many forms of exercises we can do to keep physically active. One of them is callisthenics, which is a form of exercise that utilise your body weight to train. It’s perfect for doing at home, as you can do exercises such as sit-ups, squats and planks. You could even attempt some cardio workouts like running in place and jumping jacks. With many businesses going online, you could also sign up for the best weight loss program in Singapore offered by gyms or slimming centres, for an exercise routine or diet plan for you to stick to. To illustrate, some gym coaches guide you through video sharing platforms like Zoom! And don’t forget to protect your feet from blisters – put on a pair of non-slip socks or clean shoes.

Take a moment to breathe

Yoga is a great way to stay active and flexible. When we’re too overwhelmed with all the events that are going on, take a deep breath as you focus on keeping yourself centred. Additionally, yoga helps to manage back pain on top of relieving stress and anxiety! With the internet, you could go online and search up for yoga channels that you can follow.

An alternative to yoga is putting your thoughts on paper. There’s an activity called ‘morning pages’, where you write anything on your mind for up to three pages before you start your day. This is a helpful exercise as it allows you to unload instead of keeping your thoughts bottled up.

Plan your meals

With trends like dalgona coffee and banana bread brewing up in the kitchen, everyone seems to be more active in preparing their own meals. However, what you eat influences your state of health and mind. If you exercise but eat unhealthily, then it may not have that much effect on your health. By planning your meals, you can aim to have nutritionally well-balanced meals throughout your week. You also save time from frantically thinking of what to cook! However, we highly recommend preparing a grocery list to keep your trip to the supermarket short.


Just because we’re home, it doesn’t mean that our physical activities or healthy eating should come to a halt. This is the time for us to stay healthy so that our internal systems would be healthy and strong! If you keep eating unhealthily without much movement, then it’s bound to take a toll on your mental health too. The journey to losing weight is both extrinsically and intrinsically rewarding. Once everything soothes down, you could even consider going for TCM slimming treatments, which not only focuses on trimming unwanted fat, but also prioritises other factors like improved sleep and stress relief, that influence your health.

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