Things To Do To Reclaim Sleep From The Clutches Of Grief

Dealing with the pain and grief of losing a loved one is not easy. Not only does it take a toll on one’s emotional state, the experience of loss also comes with an array of physical side effects. One of perhaps the most common reactions is insomnia – that feeling when one is simply unable to fall asleep, despite feeling very tired and sleepy. Although it is common for those in grief to experience nights of sleeplessness, the problem of insomnia cannot be ignored or dismissed.

One might think that it is just a phase. Insomnia might go away eventually, but it should be tended to with mindfulness and awareness. Sleep is crucial to the body’s internal cycles. Without a sufficient amount of sleep, the physical health of one’s body can start to decline and run into a myriad of problems and consequences. Sleeplessness has also been linked to mood swings, inability to concentrate and carry out mundane tasks, as well as, general poorness in mental health. If one is not already convinced, the lack of sleep can spiral into more problems.

There are many possible reasons why one would experience grief and sleeplessness. If one has lost a spouse or a partner, going to bed alone would definitely be a stark reminder of that loss. Besides the loss of a loved one, the accumulation of secondary losses and therefore stress can weigh heavily on one’s mind. This will inevitably lead to a lack of proper sleep and poor sleeping habits. If the griever has been deeply traumatised by the death of a loved one, the severity of insomnia might only get worse day by day, night by night.

However, one need not worry too much. In this article, there will be the sharing of tips and strategies one can use to improve their sleep hygiene. It might take time for grief-induced insomnia to be fully cured but it is better than doing nothing and suffering without a clue. By taking actions and following certain steps, one can be sure to invite sleep back into their regular everyday routine.

1. Exercise

Exercising during the day can help to create better sleep cycles. One can consider going for classes such as yoga that will help the body find its balance and detoxify itself, both physically and spiritually.

2. Therapy

Along the lines of going for yoga, one can also check out resources for therapy. Therapy is not just limited to talking about one’s emotions. It can be as simple as treating yourself to a lovely massage or a day at the spa. Bodywork such as acupuncture or massage relaxes the body, enhancing sleep in the long run.

3. Journaling

Setting aside time every night to do some grief journaling helps to process one’s pain and experiences. Release everything in your mind onto the paper. Having a sleep journal can also help in finding out what is keeping you awake.

We know the stress placed onto those who have lost someone. Providing funeral services in Singapore, we hope for grievers to properly mourn and send off their loved ones. Additionally, we offer bereavement support if needed.

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